Views:  269

Published:  2021-12-20 

Author:  allstarmounds

Published In:  Business

Baseball is America’s favorite pastime. Boys and men young and old enjoy throwing the little ball across a plate to see if the opposing player will be able to use the bat to hit the ball. What seems to be a simple activity has become a major money . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ How Far Is A Little League Pitching Mound?

Views:  307

Published:  2021-11-29 

Author:  allstarmounds

Published In:  Business

Though America is the most famous baseball-playing nation, many countries play the super game. The drama and the excitement, the culture and the prizes add up to something quite spectacular. We contribute to the frenzy by manufacturing quality mounds, the portable version being so attractive in a DIY . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ A Pitching Mound That Means So Much To So Many

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